MARYSVILLE — A series of hikes to explore the world's smallest mountain range are offered in January and February through Yuba Historical Society.

* Jan. 17— 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ridge Walker Delight will be an energetic climb to the center of Sutter Butte volcano, starting with a climb out of the buttes' largest canyon, up to a 1,500-foot elevation to stop for lunch. If the day is clear, hikers will be able to see Mt. Shasta to the north, Mt. Diablo to the south, Mt. Konocti on the western horizon, and the Chrystal Range ringing Lake Tahoe to the east. The six-hour hike will include instruction on the Sutter Buttes' geology, biology and history, including stories of the Maidu and Wintun. Cost is $35 for society members, $45 for non-members with discounts for children. Membership prices start at $15.

* Feb. 6 — A four-mile walk that will transects decomposed volcanic rock called propylite that forms rounded hills. Hikers will ascend 800 feet above Peace Valley and walk atop a ridge at a leisurely pace offering a variety of views, from rugged crags to rounded valleys and a vista of the northern Sacramento Valley. The tour will include instruction on Sutter Butte geology and stories past down from the Maidu and Wintun Indians. Cost is $15 for society members and $25 non-members, for children 12 years old and younger $10/$15.

*Feb. 14 — 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cathedral Peak hike will take in the hundreds of rock slabs stacked and twisted by subterranean

forces on the Buttes' northwestern castle core as well as the peak's twin, Destiny Peak — with its weathered andesite pocketed by countless caverns. Destination will be is a prominence overlooking Bragg Canyon. Cost is $25 for society members and $35 for non-members with discounts for children. Membership prices start at $15.

* Feb. 27 — 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ridge Walker Delight (see hike on Jan. 17). At this early spring date, the group will also see some early wildflowers. Cost is $35 for society members and $45 for non-members with discounts for children. Membership prices start at $15.

To register for the above hikes, call 846-3024, email: or visit